We have finished testing the Beta version of Access Hub and have launched the final website accesshub.gov.au today.

Access Hub provides information about communication options (including the National Relay Service) for people who are d/Deaf, hard of hearing and/or have speech communication difficulty.

On Access Hub you’ll find:

  • information in plain English, Auslan, pictures  and videos
  • accessibility features such as high contrast text
  • easy ways to find the information you need

We have closed the old Accesshub pages on infrastructure.gov.au(Opens in a new tab/window) today but don’t worry if you’ve saved any of those old pages as favourites – we’ve set up automatic redirects to the same information on accesshub.gov.au.

And if you use the call pages for NRS Chat(Opens in a new tab/window) and NRS Captions(Opens in a new tab/window) – those urls have stayed the same.

Feedback about Access Hub will always be welcome so the website can be its best.

You’ll find the feedback link on the top left-hand side of every Access Hub page.

See the video below for the same information in Auslan. Note that the video has no sound or captions.

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