10 October 2022

New improvements to NRS Chat and Captions

When you use NRS Chat and Captions in your web browser you will notice some improvements. You can personalise your chat by changing the colour theme and text size. We have also added some shortcuts to make it easier to let your Relay Officer know when you have finished typing or need more time to respond.

These changes can be found when you access the NRS chat through your web browser. If you use a mobile or tablet, we recommend you use the NRS app. These changes don't apply to the NRS app.

You can find out more about our updated NRS Chat and Captions by looking at our How To Guide and Auslan video.

How to Guide - NRS Chat and Captions(Opens in a new tab/window)

The video below has no sound or captions. It provides an Auslan translation of the information provided above.